The mission behind MCATBros is to provide quality MCAT preparation materials for free or at a very affordable cost. Below, we have listed all of our free resources currently available. Many of these are also available in print-versions at cost if you prepare to work with booklets versus digital copies.
Sign up to become a subscriber of MCATBros for no cost and receive access to all of these free resources as well as emails containing valuable information relating to our pre-medical consulting and MCAT preparation services, MCAT preparation and medical school application tips, and much more!

Although many students like to make their own notecards for the MCAT, many times, due to the vast amount of content covered on the MCAT, writing your own would simply take too long. Luckily, there are many amazing pre-made MCAT Anki decks on the web that hundreds of students have used to study for the MCAT. Below we have linked some ANKI decks that we highly recommend here at MCATBros. To reiterate, none of these decks are created by MCATBros but are hosted here as they are used by many of our community members.
For those that may be unfamiliar with Anki, Anki is a program that utilizes spaced repetition to help you remember content better and for longer. It is a resource that many medical students use throughout their studies, especially for Step 1. We also love it because it is 100% free! You can download the app for free from their website (, and all of the Anki decks we have linked below are also free. We've also added a guide below to help you learn how to use Anki!