The mission behind MCATBros is to provide quality MCAT preparation materials for free or at a very affordable cost. Below, we have listed all of our free resources currently available. Many of these are also available in print-versions at cost if you prepare to work with booklets versus digital copies.
Sign up to become a subscriber of MCATBros for no cost and receive access to all of these free resources as well as emails containing valuable information relating to our pre-medical consulting and MCAT preparation services, MCAT preparation and medical school application tips, and much more!
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MCATBros was first founded as a community on a mission to help premedical students that leveraged the expertise and knowledge of a recent MCAT test taker and medical student (at the time), and we have contributed our knowledge, and community development expertise to the largest premedical and MCAT communities in the country before the MCATBros brand began.
Since our inception, we have grown tremendously into a brand whose mission is to offer a comprehensive pre-medical and MCAT service that focuses on catering to students' individual needs and goals.

MCATBros originally gained its fame and following through the creation of community-led groups on social media and our creation of one of the most used Psychology and Sociology resource, our 300-Page Psychology and Sociology Content Review Notes.
These famous and viral notes were created by the founder of MCATBros, utilizing the MCAT Khan Academy videos as a source for the information. These notes have been widely distributed on the web and have been used by thousands of students as their primary source for content review for the P/S portion of the MCAT!
If you would like to access these notes and other free resources, click the button below!

Currently, we offer two programs to help students accomplish their MCAT. The first is our Self-Studier Program, designed for individuals who feel all they require for the MCAT is a solid, comprehensive day-to-day plan on what they should do in studying. Our Self-Studier program was the first MCAT prep service offered at MCATBros and has helped hundreds of students achieve success at the MCAT. The second is our Comprehensive Prep Program which is designed for students seeking both MCAT Prep and a pre-med advisor but on an incredibly personalized scale. Within this program, you get the accountability of a prep course through live instruction and long-term one-on-one guidance and counseling regarding your MCAT, pre-med, and medical school goals and concerns.

Over the years, MCATBros has been able to cultivate an environment of collaboration and unity amongst pre-medical students by creating different communities on social media to help students connect with one another.
On Telegram alone, we have 50+ active groups designed for students to interact with one another. These include groups for those different religious and racial backgrounds, first-generation students, international students, those who are using specific MCAT Prep resources, those who aspire to become DO's and/or MD's, those seeking content help for specific sections of the MCAT, and for students working on their applications, to name a few.
We also have several groups on Facebook as well that are geared to helping students connect with one another and that allow students to find private tutoring and application services for more affordable rates than what you often see in the market.

Looking for free guidance and insight regarding pre-med, the MCAT, and medical school admissions? Check out our blog posts where we provide long-form guidance on many hot pre-med topics!

"If you don't know where to begin and want to get your money's worth I HIGHLY recommend MCATBROS. From day one, I was given a schedule, resources and was brought into a community of people who were on the same boat as I am... 100000% recommend!!!!"
- Natali, MCATBros Comprehensive Prep Program Student

"This is the best money towards a prep course students can spend. I get nothing for posting this but Raj helped me navigate the medical school process way back in the day. One of the few genuine people on social media who actually wants you to. do better...I am living proof of his help and was lucky enough to have multiple acceptances and his guidance played a role in that."
- Robert, MS2 and MCATBros Self-Studier Prep Student
"MCATbros has been essential to my MCAT prep! I had no idea how to start or what resources to use as a non-trad applicant so they’ve been the best guide and supporting community during this daunting process! I bought a schedule and attended weekly zoom sessions with the most wonderful tutors. The schedule is broken down very well and really easy to follow, and the zoom sessions help with content review along with passage analysis... I highly recommend their program.
- Rachael, MCATBros Comprehensive Prep Student